Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back To School

Bright Yellow Schoolbus, shiny red apples, squeaky new shoes, it is BACK TO SCHOOL TIME! While most parents enjoy the extra time "off", and the kids get to see their friends again, this time of year is a little different for the home educator. Now comes the ... interesting ... transition from full time Mom to Full Time Mom and Full Time Teacher. Not only does she have to pass out the homework, but check to make sure they do it, and correct it- not my strong suit. This year we started today, September 2, with the rest of the schools in Michigan. This is always a transition week for us while we start to get up on time, go to bed on time, and get used to a schedule that is much, much more structured. And then there is the dreaded homework! Yes, homeschoolers have homework, too. Sometimes quite a bit.

This year is going to be busy; 2 High Schoolers, 2 Middle Schoolers, 3 in Elementary and a new Kindergartner. Not much time for relaxing during the day. While most of my friends enjoy a much needed breather, I have to gear up to get the teaching done and maintain the household. Schooltime just came a bit too early for me this year. At least we got started, that is always to goal for the first day, just get started!

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